Wednesday, March 2, 2011


so it seems i am daughter is always telling me to write in my blog, but i just dont want to disappoint anyone with my idocies.....anywho lets begin with im a year older, a year wiser and just feeling fantastic...i have however a few gray stories of woe...i go through them with haste and come out of them with humour and i am left with, man im just a crazy

i have had a headlamp out on my car forever, so needless to say iv been procrastinating getting it fixed....and i have also been waiting to get my muffler fixed so as i can get my emissions test done cuz i (of course) just turned a year older and have to get my damm sticker on me needless to say i still didnt have my sticker by the end of february and yet i was to go into get my muffler fixed on the 28th...however that did not happen the way i had planned it happened the crazy messed up betty way...yes my name is as my day progresses im happy feeling good cuz im gonna get my muffler fixed the next day and get my sticker and stop fretting about it...and wat happens...yes i get stopped by the police becuz my headlamp is out...and o ya...he notices i have no uptodate sticker and o ya i cant find my proof of insurance....and o didnt know that my license had expired as well...ya....this all went down....truly a freeking amazing tale of woe....

so here he finally comes with four yellow tickets blowing ever so gently in the below 30 temperatures that are turning my nose hair into freeking toothpicks dangling in my nose...and he explains wat he should be doing...of course...they always say that....he says a no headlamp fine, he says expired license fine....he says no sticker fine and he says no proof of insurance fine...and im like ok but i told you that i was just looking for it....and so im like (meekly) here it is he then goes back to his car and 45 minutes later says he has to issue me 2 tickets and that he did!...ok so thats not enough...mam i have to follow you home and not thinking my license has an old address on it still so i venture home and he stops me again with the flashing lights...and im wat is he impounding my car like he said he was supposed to do..but no hes like...mam where are you going, and i said home and of course he said you live just down that street and im like...oops...ya i moved officer i live a few more miles away...omg such a silly woman i am...

ok i make it home safely have anxiety all nite cuz i dont know how im getting to work cuz i was told to not drive my i get up real early in the morning and take a few sideroads to work and arrive very early for work and police free...all the while thinking wow i really feel like a criminal...and i actually didnt mind the feeling...i must say...i call and make the appointment to drop off my car and little did i know that the mechanic told me that if my postal code had changed recently than i didnt need an emissions test so just go to dmv and get my license address changed and you wont need an emissions i do this and pay for the sticker and the expired license and pay my fines...and once again penniless and happy as a pig in shit...cuz once again i have another amusing story....